Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Let Go

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a very controlling, anxious, OCD person. I make plans, and then follow those plans. When I make plans for others, I expect them to be followed. I worry over EVERYTHING. I’m the type of person that is wound up 100% of the time. Why am I this way? That’s like asking why I’m caucasian with dark hair and hazel eyes. I was born this way. I saw so much of myself in my son. I began to see so much of myself that it was frightening. My son deserved better than that. My daughter deserved better than that. And well, my poor husband certainly deserved a break from that at the very least. So, as I said, I let go. I began to realize that my children have to make their own path. I also began to realize that my husband and I need to make our own path as well.

I began to entertain the thought of traveling. Like any parent, I would love to take my children to see the world. We just always assumed we had to wait till the kids were gone. But, did we? Why not take them with us? Why not run away and see the world? Seriously, before you roll your eyes and say “yea, right”, ask the question. Why not?

Of course I was still dead set against a boat. There was no way I’m going to take my children out onto the ocean to drown, become fish food, or be taken by pirates. Not a chance. So my dear husband said, “What about an RV?” He was excited. While I hadn’t agreed to sail off into the sunset, I was entertaining the thought of running away with the kids and traveling. He knew half the battle was won. I began to worry about how to educate the children, how to afford to travel, how to handle emergencies, etc. My husband began feeding me blogs about other sailing families. I begrudgingly read them, knowing they wouldn't change my mind. Then we traveled to an RV dealership and spent the day prowling through RV’s. I was intrigued. We found potential solutions to school. I was more intrigued. We went over the amount of money he would be bringing in after retirement, and I was sold. We could do this! We could run away!

More of the story on the way....

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