Friday, October 3, 2014

"Pipe Dream" - Part 1 of 3

“Pipe Dream”. Yea, that was always my response to my husband’s ‘grand plan’ to travel and sail the world. I always shook my head and mumbled “pipe dream”.

As long as I’ve know my husband, that has always been his dream. When we were dating, I rolled my eyes when he went on about it. After we were married, he continued with the same dream. Only he would say that one day he’d convince me to go with him. My response? I don’t like water, am afraid of drowning, and would never in a million years want to ‘live’ on a boat. He never seemed deterred by this statement. I was as adamantly against the idea as he was for it.

When we got married we were living in Colorado. Not exactly a state known for sailing. We had moved there to get away from Texas and live our own lives away from our family. We both had good paying jobs and lots of free time. We traveled together a lot and did everything one could imagine. We were living the high life and we fit well together while doing it.

We had decided long before we got married, that neither of us wanted kids. We looked at our own parents, and absolutely didn’t want to end up like them. We knew so many people who’s relationships disintegrated after starting a family, and neither of us liked the thought of bringing kids into a world like that. So we enjoyed our life together, just the two of us, doing what we wanted, when we wanted, as much as we wanted. After three years in an apartment, we decided there was no reason not to buy a house. We made plenty of money, and the extra space for family and friend visits would be nice. So we had our first house built together. We bought furniture, a new TV, and moved into a new house with our pets in tow. As time went by, we realized we had done just about everything together, yet something was missing. We couldn’t put our finger on it. We weren’t satisfied with the wonderful life we had created for ourselves, and we didn’t know why. My husband went on again about running away and sailing the world. “Pipe Dream.” I knew he was dissatisfied with his work, and I figured he wanted to escape. Everyone wants to escape their life, but that’s not how life works.

To be continued in Part 2.....

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